And then came Jack.......

Barnon Imperial Jack to be more precise, but that is a mouthful, so I will stick with Jack.

Jack is a marvelous Welsh D cob stallion, famous in Victoria, and more than likely Australia! He has a temperament to die for, but still the spirit, power and presence that anyone would wish to see in a stallion.

For this sculpt I have gone for a dancing jog, a "hello ladies" gleam in his eyes. I want to capture his soft sweet nature, inside his powerful body.

He is a few hours in in these photos, many, many more hours to go. I am aiming for a March 2010 release.


  1. Ahhh... you've found my weakness for a well muscled pony Karen! Do keep us updated on MECA on this guy, and of course, put me down for a copy - I'm quickly becoming a fan of your work and will continue to stalk you :) LOL


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