In the studio....

Lol, if you could call my kitchen table a studio!
I have a few projects I have been dabbling with in my very limited spare time of late.
As well as two Jack CM' which will be for sale, the other to go to the USA for edition casting, I have two Whispers being CM'ed.
The first is a commission piece, she has had her mane removed and is having braids added. Her tail will also be refined and a braid added.
Whisper #2 has had her neck/head repositioned. A new mane and tail are in the process of being added. Her profile will be straitened, and her nostrils slightly more flared.

The going is really slow with these girls, much slower then I would like. My reaction to the Apoxie sculpt is getting worse, and so too my sensitivity to the resin dust when I sand them back, despite taking all precautions.
This time around it all got a little scary with minor swelling of my throat and sinuses as well as both eyes.
I shall have to seriously consider these 4 resins my last to CM and prep, and will be looking for a prepper to take over my Artist Proofs to get them up to scratch for professional casting.
How depressing.


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