One year on.....

I can hardly believe it has only been a year, feels like a lifetime ago!

It was this time last year that I attended Melbourne Live 2009. It was at that show that I formed the idea of Graylea Whisper.

And now a full circle, Whisper, painted up by the very talented team at S.W.I.D Designs (as featured on my Blog earlier), has won her breed class at Melbourne Live 2010.

Whisper then went on to come second in her colour class, all credit to S.W.I.D Designs there :) She was beaten by their own CM grey on Huck Bey, who went on to become reserve champion.

Congratulations to Isabel and Sam!

I just don't think I could be more chuffed with the results.

If you would like to get in touch with Sam and Isabel so they can work their magic on your model horse, they can can be contacted at:


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