
Having done the Diary of Heartbreaker, and seen him though to his completion, I found it an excellent way to keep motivated and on track.

I am now going to follow the journey of an original sculpt. From the highs and lows of sculpting him, to the waste mould, artists proof and final casting. Hope you all enjoy the ride as much as I will ;D

I have an artists exhibition on the 25th and 26th of March, an event put on by my local council where people can tour around the Shire visiting all the local studios and galleries of working artists. It is a brilliant event and I am blessed to have been asked to exhibit at one of my neighbouring artist's studios. This is something I am very very excited about! For the weekend I want to have an almost complete bust, and another at least half finished full horse. Enter Mistral...

Mistral is a commissioned portrait of a New Forest x TB eventing horse in full flight over a jump. I started him April 2010, unfortunately with a new wax clay instead of my usual Chavant. I found the clay too hard and crumbly with no 'stickability'. In short, I disliked it intensely.

So Mistral was shelved for other more pressing projects and commissions. Six months ago (ish) I started again, this time with Apoxie Sculpt. But Mistral just did not want to talk to me, which is dang disappointing as it would have made his moulding soooooo much cheaper!

Today inspiration struck! Why not mix the Klean Klay that I use to sculpt my bust portraits and the hard horrid crumbly mess of wax clay together. I love my Klean Klay with a capital L.O.V.E. On it's up side,  it is firm, sticky, holds the most wonderful detail and smooths like a dream *sighs with delight*. On it's downside is is oily, slick and too soft for a full body sculpt *boo-hiss*

Mixing the two together has given me a hard, waxy clay, that is sticky, smooth and holds detail like Klean Klay. Yum!

This is Mistral today. Poor crumbly poneh :( Time to fix him up :)


  1. O.o

    I will be watching this one like a hawk!

  2. Thanks Jennifer! His owners have been brilliant, so for their sakes, third try is the trick :)

  3. Oh wow Karen, I cant wait to follow his journey!


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