Back to the drawing board.

Never be afraid to change what has already been done. It can be heartbreaking to go back and undo what has already be done, but always listen to the little voice in the back of your mind that is yelling over the top of everything else.
If I had listened, i could have fixed this right back in the melt and squish phase, but I am nothing if not stubborn.
So I had all but finished the sculpting on this Welshies hind legs, but things were really not gelling, with me or my client.
Not enough 'OOMPH'

His hind end was being left behind by his front end. So cuts were made, on the computer first...

Then real cuts were made. Legs fell off, hooves were melted, fingers were stuck together.

Stifle dropped, hips shifted back, back lowered, hocks bent, and pasterns weighted. Still more tweaking to do, but I am much much happier already, and the little voice has finally stopped screaming at me :)

More soon.....


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