Mistral progress.

Progress on Mistral...enough to take photos anyway :)
He now has a full face, though I am positive I will be lengthening his head. The dilemma is whether I do it now (a complete pillock) or do it once he is waste cast. I really really want to do it now *stamps foot childishly* but it will be so so much easier if I wait....

Patience is a virtue,
Patience is a virtue,
Patience is a virtue,
Patience is a virtue.....


  1. Is he going to be up for sale when your done with him? And if so how much will he go for? Because he is very handsome so far and I've been looking for a custom jumping breyer for a long long time to show. Also your work is AMAZING!

  2. Is he going up for sale when your done with him? If that is so how much would he go for? I'd love to by him because for a while now I've been searching for a custom jumping model horses in that position to show in performance. Also your work is just AMAZING! Seriously your one of the the best custom model horse makers I've ever seen and its coming from someone who has endlessly search the web for model horse customs to buy. I think he would look good in a mahogany bay with socks on his left front leg and on his right hind leg, hoof striping on both hooves with socks and a star and large snip that covers most of the mouth/nose area.

  3. Can I have him once he is done? PLEASE?


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