Hairy dilemas!

I am in a hairy dilema.

Sally has a bucket load of sculpting still to go, not to mention hooouuurrsss of sanding, and all the yummy little details. But it is time to put in the wire for his tail, and start thinking about which way to go. I don't need his tail for support, as the big fulla stand very well on his own.

I can go Mud Knot for his tail and running braid for the mane
short pulled mane and loose tail.
running braid for the mane and loose tail

I have done some research, looked at every Lippizaner stallion photo I could find on the internet, and have come to the conclusion that short pulled mane and loose tail are the norm, followed very closely by running braid in the mane and a loose tail. Moving into mud knots in the tail when the stallion is performing the highest Haute Air movements.

Hence the dilema, which to choose! What do you guys think, I would love to hear opinions?

Earlier this week, I also got a new shipment of two part clay. After reading rave reviews about Magic Sculpt on Blab, I caved in and bought myself a pound from a shop in Queensland. I cannot say I am smitten with it for body work yet, but it does make hair and wrinkles easy peasy.
My victim for the new clay is a Humphrey CM. He is set to have more hair on his legs and in his tail, and a some hair growth whirls on his chest too.

Not forgetting Mini Nahar, he has had quite a bit done on him, but all of it small and finicky. Quite a bit of playing and prepping for him before he gets his hairy bits :)

This photo is my favourite angle :) love the pooky lip.

More soon....


  1. Wow just amazing work! For Sally my vote would be for mud knot tail and running braid, so elegant looking. *squeal* Humphrey is just cuteness overload! And I would have never guessed that was a Nahar <3 pooky lip. Karen you are one talented lady!

  2. Wow- You're so talented, they all look fab! I vote a running braid for the mane and a loose tail. :)

  3. i think that it should be loose mane and tail- not the mane too short though :D your work is stunning

  4. Thank you so much guys, I have had some marvelous input from someone with intimate knowledge of the Lippizaner breed and it looks like he will be loose mane and tail!


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