Totilas #4 Capriole Lipizzaner

This fellow is a little more drastic then the first three.
I have CM'ed him to a Lipizzaner stallion performing Capriole. This fellow is the very first idea that popped into my mind when I first saw the Totilas mould.
I have finally finished his sculpting and begun his painting. Do you know how hard it is to paint inside a mouth! Sheesh!

I am contemplating taking him to Melbourne Live, as I will be there with Hermes, and helping out with some judging. It would be nice to actually have something on the table :)
Of course it will be absolutely terrifying, but oh so fun!

He will have an acrylic rod once he is finished, most likely set onto an acrylic base as well to be as unobtrusive as possible.

More on the studio bench, all edging closer to being done...

More soon ...


  1. The lipizzaner looks very nice :)And I really like the look of the horse to the right beside the lipizzaner. What model is that?

  2. Thank you! That little guy is an Ariat (Selle francais)CM

  3. Wow, I never would have guessed! I'd love to see the progress on that one :)

    1. Lol, there has been a whole lotta adding on and dremeling off with him. I have been struggling with him for nearly 6 months. A deceptively simple pose change that threw all sorts of problems at me. In the end I Dremeled the entire front back to an armature(including legs) and resculpted from scratch.

  4. OMG! He's gorgeous! The Lipizzaner is my favorite breed ever! Breyer put out a long reining Lipizzaner in2005, but the model is kind of cheap looking, nothing like this. Breyer seriously needs to talk to you!

  5. Thank you so much Chloe! I try very hard to for breed accuracy and put a lot of research into my CMs, I am glad it shows


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