I love it when a plan comes together ...

Remember the stablemates I sculpted last year, the ones that all flew off to the USA and the capable hands of Jaime Baker.
Well one of them came home ...here is his story;

I got the most beautiful surprise this afternoon! A HUGE box from the from Jaime Baker Customs. An armful of Stablemates (YAY!) and 6 old beat up beauties by Maureen Love.
As all Aussies know, model horses over here are expensive and bodies hard to come by, especially the old guys, I am so grateful to Jaime for all of these wonderful ponies

THIS is the best part!
When I opened the box, on top was a pony pouch, inside the pouch was a beautiful card with Jaime's much loved doggie Stewie's paw print. Stewie has very sadly just recently passed away from cancer, I was so touched to receive such a treasured memento of the beautiful boy
I delved deeper and found a box, inside the box, a letter. The letter was a thank you from Anna Kirby of... Dreamflite Design, an artesian of the most exquisite SM size tack.
I had helped Anna out with a few photos of an Aussie stock saddle, and in return she has sent me the most delightful Roller for a Cob, I was seriously crying by now.
I delved in again and found the SM Welsh Cob, that I sculpted for Breyerfest and so exquisitely painted by Jaime, a perfect fit for that little roller!!

You girls are the most beautiful souls, words are not enough! I shall treasure these for ever!

  In all his yumminess, photos by Jaime Baker

Now, I am not a collector, nor am I a shower. Most CMs are out the door as soon as they are finished. So I got a friend to tack the little fella up for me with the intention of showing him, but realised he would be mighty unfinished if he didn't have a little man rung alongside.

So for the first time, I sculpted a 'not' horse shaped object, and whilst he looks like he has been hit a few times with a piece of 4x2, and there is a distinct possibility that he was a boxer in a previous life, and not a very good one, as obviously his opponents managed to land quite a few hits on his schnoz.
I think though, he is charming in his own rugged way, and we cannot have him prettier then his horse :P

With his pony. I love them, and will treasure them forever!

We are off to Melbourne live this weekend for my first go round in Performance showing, it is going to be a blast! LOL

More soon ...


  1. What a treasure trove! The cob turned out beautiful and I really like the little guy you made. The set-up looks awesome.

  2. What a great pair they make!


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