
Showing posts from 2010

A quiet time at work....

.........results in a busy time in the studio :) In the last two weeks I have managed to complete three of my portrait sculptures, one dog and two horses, which has thrilled me completely. The dog is the first that I have painted myself and I am rather chuffed with her. I have also finished painting Absinth, so he will be up on MH$P next week for offers. An AP Humphrey resin went off to SA as a donation to a live show (sadly no pic's of the little fellow) and was won by the extremely talented painter Bec Klitsher, I am really really looking forward to seeing him in some new clothes. These little fellows are the Artist proofs, I cast off about 5 from my waste mould, which then go off to the 'muse' horses owner, a horse mad little girl up the road from me, one goes to my Riding club as a fundraiser, and of course one goes to the USA for production casting. The copy for production casting is still being tweaked, as soon as I am happy he will head off. This is the AP who is be...


Absinth is my very first CM to finished project....and I must say I am having a ball! He is also my first bay, and pinto. These photos are from today, and I would say he is about 75% complete.

CM'ed Whisper on Ebay.

Well as promised the girl has gone to Ebay :). Her listing can be found here: Ebay She is the first resin I am listing to Ebay, but she will not be my last, in a couple of weeks (that is the plan anyway, barring some disaster) Absinth will be following.

Almost there...

In her final stages now. She has had a little more muscle added to the offside of her neck, and I have carved out the soles of her grounded hooves since these pics were taken. Another CM on my bench is Brigette Eberl's Absinth. He has had his head lowered, his ears turned, his front leg extended and a new tail.

Progress and completion.

Braided Whisper is now complete, all wrapped up and on her way home. She will be jetting off to the USA shortly for some brand new clothes. Progress on the second Whisper. Just a little more re sculpting on her head, then some basic prepping and the girl will be ready. I shall be listing her on Ebay and MH$P once she is all done. She will be the first Auction of one of my models, so I will no doubt be a nervous wreck for the duration of the listing, lol!

In the studio....

Lol , if you could call my kitchen table a studio! I have a few projects I have been dabbling with in my very limited spare time of late. As well as two Jack CM's which will be for sale, the other to go to the USA for edition casting, I have two Whispers being CM'ed . The first is a commission piece, she has had her mane removed and is having braids added. Her tail will also be refined and a braid added. Whisper #2 has had her neck/head repositioned. A new mane and tail are in the process of being added. Her profile will be straitened, and her nostrils slightly more flared. The going is really slow with these girls, much slower then I would like. My reaction to the Apoxie sculpt is getting worse, and so too my sensitivity to the resin dust when I sand them back, despite taking all precautions. This time around it all got a little scary with minor swelling of my throat and sinuses as well as both eyes. I shall have to seriously consider these 4 resins my last to CM ...

One year on.....

I can hardly believe it has only been a year, feels like a lifetime ago! It was this time last year that I attended Melbourne Live 2009. It was at that show that I formed the idea of Graylea Whisper. And now a full circle, Whisper, painted up by the very talented team at S.W.I.D Designs (as featured on my Blog earlier), has won her breed class at Melbourne Live 2010. Whisper then went on to come second in her colour class, all credit to S.W.I.D Designs there :) She was beaten by their own CM grey on Huck Bey, who went on to become reserve champion. Congratulations to Isabel and Sam! I just don't think I could be more chuffed with the results. If you would like to get in touch with Sam and Isabel so they can work their magic on your model horse, they can can be contacted at:
Wow, I have really fallen off the face of the earth for a bit! Aside from my sculpting, I have a job at an Olive Grove. We are four weeks into harvest season now, I am thinking another two weeks to go. So for ten to twelve hours each day, I am here....... beautiful isn't it:)? From this.... they are ground up to this..... all for this....liquid gold, pure Olive Oil :) I love my job, but boy am I exhausted! With the four children and the nine horses heaped in on top, I have not time to scratch myself, LOL, house work is a thing of the past, my wonderful husband has thankfully helped me out there! But not much longer and my life will return to normal:)
What a wonderful thing awaited me when I opened my email today. I adore seeing my girl in new clothes, it gives me such a thrill every time. Graylea Whisper finished a dark dapple grey by Samantha and Isabel Durham of S.W.I.D Design. This Whisper has been CM'd to plaits, I think they show off her elegant neck and pretty head beautifully. The gorgeous dark grey, and pretty blaze really make her scream Riding Pony Whisper has been painted in mixed media to get her rich, complex pattern. Pastels, coloured pencils, and Acrylic paints were used. Thank you Sam ansd Isabel, very much for the photos, they have made my day :).

Minature Pony Stallion Jig

My latest sculpt is the adorable little chunky monkey 'Jig'. A spunky little black and white pinto stallion, a whole 8.1hh in real life. I am sculpting Jig in classic scale 1:12, so he is tiny! 10cm to the very tips of his little tiny ears, and the front cannon bones are a teeny 75mm! It is proving fairly difficult to manoeuvre my skewers in and around his legs for sculpting. But an enjoyable process none the less watching the little fellow emerge from the clay. Here is the little fellow a few hours in....... I think I am going to tilt his nose out a bit more, for a whole lot more attitude. My paddocks are graced with a couple of these little guys, and I am constantly amused by their naughty antics. I love the way they don't realise how small they are, just ask them and they will tell you they are 17hh! They rule my larger horses with a iron fist, are talented escapees, will do just about anything for food, and worm their way into the hearts of everyone they meet. My fuzzy...